Terminator Resistance
Pictured: Terminator: Resistance — Image: Reef Entertainment (via Steam)

The Switch is home to all sorts of franchises but one series Nintendo fans haven’t got their hands on this generation is Terminator.

It seems this could all be set to change with the discovery a game called Terminator 2D: No Fate has been rated by the Australian Classification Board for the Nintendo Switch and multiple other platforms.

Image: Australian Classification Board

As you can see above, the title received an ‘M’ for ‘mature’ rating earlier this week on 19th December 2024 and will contain violence and coarse language.

It will be published and developed by Reef Entertainment – a UK-based developer known for the 2019 first-person shooter Terminator: Resistance. When we find out more, we’ll be sure to let you know.

[source classification.gov.au, via gematsu.com]