Random: Upcoming Banjo-Kazooie Mod Is A Nostalgic Trip Through A Bunch Of N64 Classics

Back in 2021, modder Mark Kurko revealed a first look at his monster project, ‘BK Nostalgia 64’. This love letter to the N64 and Banjo-Kazooie (whodathunkit with a title like that?) was originally slated for a Christmas 2024 release, though through a variety of complications, the modder has decided to push things back to 2025. Fortunately, there’s a brand-new teaser to watch until then, which we’ve timestamped above.

Unlike Kurko’s previous mods, which meshed Banjo with a singular other N64 game — ‘The Legend of Banjo-Kazooie: The Jiggies of Time’ unsurprisingly mixed BK and Ocarina — Nostalgia 64 sees the bear and bird combined with a whole host of classic titles in an original adventure. It’s like a classic Banjo game, but you can hop into the Mushroom Kingdom! How cool is that?

As the new footage showcases, BK Nostalgia 64 features a massive console-set hub world (Astro, is that you?), with nine extra worlds spinning off it, each inspired by a different N64 classic. We’ve caught glimpses of Super Mario 64, Yoshi’s Story, Pokémon Snap and a host of other picturesque polygonal places so far, and the mod also features 2D NES-inspired bonus worlds to mix things up.

Collectathon fans, have no fear. Kurko notes that there are 99 jiggies, 115 Mumbo Tokens, 1,000 notes and more to keep an eye out for throughout the mod, so the OG Banjo experience should all be present and correct.

Replying to the above BlueSky post, Kurko stated that he’ll announce the mod’s release date via his socials whenever it’s ready, so keep an eye out if this looks up your street.

It’s far from official news of a new Banjo-Kazooie game — heck, we’d be losing our minds if we got one as crossover-filled as this — but it’s yet more proof of just how hungry we Banjo fans are for more platforming perfection. Come on, guys, give the people what they want!

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