Is It Too Little Too Late for Assassin’s Creed: Shadows and Ubisoft?

Profchaos1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

It’s a Ubisoft game so yeah they will inevitably do something to cause it to fail and blame everyone but themselves.

Just like their recent shareholder meeting disaster.

It’s like every move Ubisoft has made since the end of the 7th generation has been the wrong one with their only saving grace being standing behind siege outside of that they continue to fail every single time.

Assassin’s creed has been a consistent money maker but why have been forced to slow down it’s release schedules and change the formula so who knows what each entry will bring

Watch dogs is now dead
Driver is now dead
Far cry is on life support with 6 not delivering
Splinter cell I’m calling it dead this remake is vaporware
Price of Persia sands of time vaporware
Bge2 is vaporware
Countless get rich quick schemes involving crypto or nft dead
Just dance has to be dying by now surely I think they have backed off those games.
They constantly fail with xdefiant and other love service games as they want to desperately have a hit but act shocked when it doesn’t work
Skull and bones failure made even worse when the new Yakuza game is starting to look like a better pirate game than it was

Not to mention internal issues with sexual harrassment not being taken seriously workers being pushed constantly and threatened among other things.

Pretty clear new management is desperately needed.

And I’m.sure I’ve missed more

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