Box Art Brawl – Duel: Klonoa: Empire of Dreams (GBA)

Be sure to cast your votes in the poll below; but first, let’s check out the box art designs themselves.

North America

Klonoa NA
Image: Namco / Launchbox

Uhh… Okay, this is a bit boring. Ethereal, maybe, but certainly boring. Lots of white space, while the character models are quite small and insignificant. We’re certain this one will have its fans, but when comparing it to the European and Japanese variants, it just ain’t doing it for us. Sorry.


Klonoa EU
Image: Namco / Launchbox

This is more like it. Here, we have the protagonist striking a very impactful pose against a bright yellow background with some nifty shadow work going on. It’s simple, but it works; this would certainly stand out on the shelves at your local Electronics Boutique anyway! Ah… Those were the days.


Klonoa JP
Image: Namco / Launchbox

Japan’s design is very similar to Europe’s, but it’s making extra use of the landscape orientation here to increase the size of the protagonist and tuck the main logo away in the lower left corner of the composition. Again, it’s a simple, but effective choice, and we like it.

Thanks for voting! We’ll see you next time for another round of Box Art Brawl.

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